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Wednesday 18.09.2013

Call for Entries: VISIO - European Workshop on Artists' Moving Images 2013

Black Drop, 2012 by Simon Starling, courtsey of the artist and Neugerriemschneider, Berlin

VISIO - European Workshop on Artists' Moving Images 2013 | Florence 12-17 November 2013
Lo Schermo dell'Arte Film Festival


Deadline for application:
September 30, 2013
VISIO will be held in Florence, during the 6th Edition of Lo Schermo dell’arte Film Festival. Florence, 12-17 November 2013

Stefania Rispoli

Lo schermo dell'arte
Via Giovan Battista Niccolini 3/E
50121 Firenze

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Lo Schermo dell'Arte Film Festival presents the second edition of VISIO - European Workshop on Artists' Moving Images.
VISIO consists of a series of screenings, seminars and meetings dedicated to expanding the vision and themes of artists, who use moving images in their artistic practice.
VISIO intends to favour the development of a European network of young artists and professionals who work with moving images, promoting encounters and international mobility.

The Workshop will be held in Florence, within the context of the 6th Edition of Lo Schermo dell'Arte Film Festival (12-17 November 2013). The participants will be 12 young European artists, who work with moving images; they will be selected with an open call, in collaboration with some of the most important European Art Academies, Schools and Artist Residencies. The Selection Committee is composed of Leonardo Bigazzi, project curator VISIO, Silvia Lucchesi, director Lo Schermo dell'Arte and Angelika Stepken, director of Villa Romana.

This year the project will have a new important section: the VISIO Screening Program. 12 single-channel video works, one for each participating artists, will be selected and screened in the exhibition spaces of Villa Romana in Florence. The program will have daily screenings from November 12th to 17th 2013 and a full day where the participating artists will present in public the fundamental themes of their artistic practice.

Lo Schermo dell'Arte is a project founded in Florence in 2008. The Festival is dedicated to the exploration, analysis and promotion of the links between contemporary art and cinema. Among many international artists, who have attended the Festival are Isaac Julien, Omer Fast, Alfredo Jaar, The Otolith Group, Phil Collins, Melik Ohanian, Sarah Morris e Shirin Neshat.

VISIO - European Workshop on Artists' Moving Images
is promoted and organized by Lo Schermo dell'Arte Film Festival with the generous support of Regione Toscana and Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze/Osservatorio per le Arti Contemporanee.

The project is organized in collaboration with Villa Romana e FST-Mediateca Toscana and is also supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Italy, the Deutsches Institut Florenz, the Institut français Firenze and Cecchi.
The selection of the participants is conducted in partnership with the Akademie der Bildenden Künste München, the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts (Helsinki), LE FRESNOY Studio national des arts contemporains (Tourcoing), the Royal College of Art (London), the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (Copenhagen), the Vilnius Academy of Arts, the Universität der Künste Berlin, the Zurich University of The Arts, the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera (Milan) and the Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze.


VISIO - European Workshop on Artists' Moving Images
has a 5-part structure:

Festival: the participating artists are invited to attend screenings, meetings and lectures of the Festival's official program, and are encouraged to actively participate in the discussions. The main topics will then be expanded and developed during the seminars and conversations with the curators and artists hosted by the Festival. This year's edition will feature works by Deimantas Narkevicius, Adrian Paci, Simon Starling, Jane and Louise Wilson among others.

VISIO Screening Program:
A single-channel video from each participating artist will be selected for a screening program curated for the exhibition spaces of Villa Romana. Founded in Florence in 1905, Villa Romana is an international institution that runs one of the most important residency program for artists in Italy.

Artists Presentation: The participating artists will be asked to introduce their work in a 20 minutes presentation/lecture at Villa Romana. Here, they will have the opportunity to present the fundamental themes of their artistic practice to the other participants and to a selected audience.

a cycle of 3 seminars will be conducted by artists and curators hosted by the Festival, who will speak about various aspects of their artistic practice and research methods with the participants. The seminars, which will last 2 hours each, will be structured in such a way as to allow also moments of discussion and sharing of experiences between the professionals and the participants. The three seminars will be conducted by Alain Fleischer, filmmaker, artist, photographer and writer, Founder and Director of Le Fresnoy, Studio National des Arts Contemporains, Maria Lind, curator and critic, Director of Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm, Deimantas Narkevicius, artist and filmmaker.

Conversation room: in this informal environment participants will meet every day, in 45-minute round tables and individual encounters, artists, curators, critics, producers and directors of international institutions hosted by the Festival. A day will be dedicated to the curators and directors of local contemporary art institutions. Ranging from the presentation of their own portfolios to simple conversations, these moments are conceived as an occasion for encounters and exchanges that can foster the participants' professional growth and extend their networks of international contacts.


Candidates must be young artists who:

- work with moving images as part of their artistic practice
- are under 35 years old
- are citizens or residents of one of the 47 member countries of the European Council (for the complete list, see
- have a degree (M.A. or equivalent) or have had at least a solo-show in the last two years
- have an excellent knowledge of the English language

Application and Deadlines

The application must include: 
♣ Curriculum vitae (specify date of birth and nationality and/or country of residence)
♣ Portfolio with web links to previous video works
♣ Letter of introduction, stating one's motivations for wanting to participate in the workshop (max. 2000 characters)
♣ Short biography in a narrative form (max. 900 characters)
♣ One photograph of the artist with a resolution of at least 300 dpi (format: JPG or TIFF)

Applications must be sent to Stefania Rispoli at by September 30th 2013.

The 12 selected candidates will be notified via e-mail by October 11th 2013.

The official opening of the sessions will be at 5 p.m., on Tues., November 12th, and will end at 11:30 p.m on Sun., November 17th. Participants must attend all meetings for the whole duration of the Workshop.

All meetings and seminars will be in English.

Registration fee

Registration fee for all Workshop participants is 350 euro and includes:

- Pass providing access to all parts of the Festival (screenings and lectures)
- Participation in all the Workshop's Sections
- Hotel accommodation (November 12-18, 6 nights)
The fee does not include transportation to and/or from Florence.
The payment can be made in two instalments.


Thanks to the collaboration with our partners, the following scholarships will be offered to fully cover the Registration fee:

- The 'CECCHI Scholarship' offered by Cecchi, wine producers in Italy since 1893

- Two scholarships offered by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Italy to two Dutch artists or artists who are residents in the Netherlands

- A scholarship offered by the Institut français Firenze to a French artist

- A scholarship offered by the Deutsches Institut Florenz to a German artist

The scholarships will be assigned by the VISIO Selection Committee in collaboration with the Institutions and the companies that have offered them, during the selection process of the Workshop's participants. The awarded artists will be notified via e-mail by October 11th 2013.

European Workshop on Artists' Moving Images
(Florence, 12-17 November 2013)

Promoted and organized by Lo Schermo dell'Arte Film Festival

with the support of Regione Toscana and Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze/Osservatorio per le Arti Contemporanee

and of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Italy, the Deutsches Institut Florenz, the Institut français Firenze and Cecchi.

in collaboration with Villa Romana and FST – Mediateca Regionale

The project is curated by Leonardo Bigazzi