Open Ateliers Zuidoost Artist in Residence, Amsterdam
Artist in Residency in Amsterdam for international artists and/or curators
Deadine: 1 May 2012 Application form available:
Sasha Dees, curator
Open Ateliers Zuidoost Artist in Residency (OAZO-AIR)
Kruitberg 1003A
1104 CA Amsterdam
The Netherlands
OpenAteliers Zuidoost Artist in Residence (OAZO AIR), founded in 2010, is based in Amsterdam Zuidoost (aka Bijlmermeer). It is part of 'Stichting Open Ateliers Zuidoost' a non-profit organization, founded in 1993, thatmanages 60 art studios for local artists.
OAZO AIR invites artists of all disciplines, curators and cultural producers to live and work temporarily (1 - 3 months) in Amsterdam Zuidoost. The residency canbe used for project research and development or the creation of a work of art. The residency needs to relate to Amsterdam Zuidoost and its cultural divers society and there's a requiremet to do something in/for the community (presentation, exhibit, workshops, debates, ...). The artist will work independently.
Studio Information:
Kruitberg 1003A
1104 CA Amsterdam Zuidoost
The Netherlands
Residency includes:
-a work studio (size: 2,8m - 7,6m)
-a furnished living studio including kitchen, (size: 4,3m - 8,9m)
-2 bikes
-wi-fi and printer
-prepaid mobile phone: +31(0)6 18 33 88 87
Residents will be responsible for:
-travel expenses
-living and project costs
-there's a 200 Euro deposit upon arrival (which will be returned on the last day if all is left behind
in good order)
Application Criteria
WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR 2013, deadline May 1, 2012 Download the application form on the website www.oazo-air (about us)
Applicants please email the applicationform to:
Sasha Dees, curator
AIR is in part made possible by: the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK) and Stadsdeel Amsterdam Zuidoost