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08 Nov 2017

RE: TRACE – International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology

100 talks, 5 keynotes, 3 venues, 2 poster sessions and one award
DanubeUniversity Krems, Department for Image Science


November 23-25, 2017 KREMS | GÖTTWEIG | VIENNA, Austria ** Registration **

Janina Hoth

Danube University Krems
Dr. Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
3500 Krems

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The 7th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology - RE:TRACE - will be hosted by the Department for Image Science and held jointly at Danube University, Göttweig Abbey and the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna. Following Banff 2005, Berlin 2007, Melbourne 2009, Liverpool 2011, Riga 2013 and Montreal 2015, the Media Art History Boards and Co-Chairs invite you to attend Re:Trace 2017 in Krems/Göttweig/Vienna.

More than a decade after the first conference founded the field, which is now recognized internationally as a significant historical inquiry at the intersection of art, science, and technology, Media Art Histories is now firmly established as a dynamic area of interdisciplinary study guided by changing media and research priorities, drawing a growing community of scholars, artists and artist-researchers.

Immersed in both contemporary and historiographical aspects of the digital world, we explore the most immediate socio-cultural questions of our time: from body futures, information society, and media (r)evolutions, to environmental interference, financial virtualization, and surveillance. And we do so through a fractal lens of inter- and trans-disciplinarity, bridging art history, media studies, neuroscience, psychology, sociology, and beyond. MediaArtHistories is a field whose theory, methods, and objects of study interweave with and overlay other disciplines.

* * KEYNOTES:* *
o Prof. Ryszard KLUSZCZYŃSKI (University of Lodz, PL)
o Prof. Wendy Hui CHUN (Brown University, US)
o Prof. Em. Martin KEMP (Oxford University, UK)
o Prof. Morten SØNDERGAARD (Aalborg University, DK)
o Prof. Sarah KENDERDINE (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, CH)


*:: Politics I: Cybernetics, computing and the question of representation in art
*:: Politics II: Ecology, politics, and aesthetics
*:: Politics III: Ambitious goals with tactical media
*:: Politics IV: Political and aesthetic impacts of aed classifications
*:: Early experimental strategies in the image-sound-complex
*:: Curation and art production in crowdsourced and networked situations
*:: Recent tendencies in computer-aided preserving and presenting
*:: Generative Art
*:: Sound Art
*:: revisited
*:: From Trans-Local to Telematics
*:: Modulating sensory perception with media cross-over
*:: Soft and Fluid Media
*:: Retracing media art and its precursors in Latin America
*:: Reframing social artistic initiatives since the 1960s
*:: Internet infrastructure under scrutiny
*:: Digital Humanities and Critical Practices
*:: Preservation strategies I: Performing and rethinking materiality
*:: Preservation strategies II: Dynamic archiving
*:: New media art theory mashup
*:: Aesthetics: Theories of the post-digital image

*:: POSTER Presentations



**SPEAKERS and PRESENTERS (among others):* *
Chandrika ACHARYA (IN), Bahar AKGÜN(TR), Hava ALDOUBY (IL), Pau ALSINA (ES), Elisa ARCA (PE), Aura BALANESCU (RO), Rod BANTJES (CA), Giselle BEIGUELMAN (BR), Beatriz Escribano BELMAR (ES), Catherine BERNARD (US), Clara BOJ TOVAR (ES), Grant BOLLMER (US), Stefanie BRÄUER (CH), Andreas BROECKMANN (DE), Roberta BUIANI (CA), Andres BURBANO (CO), Aaron BURTON (AU), Ron BURNETT (CA), Franziska BUTZE-RIOS (AT), Jon CATES (US), Valentino CATRICALA (IT), Maria Teresa CRUZ (PT), Derek CURRY (US), Stephanie DE BOER (US), Karin DE WILD (NL), Annet DEKKER (NL), Penesta DIKA (KO), Steve DIXON (UK), Ksenia FEDOROVA (RU), Valerie FELIX (CH), Natalia FEDOROVA (RU), Victor FLORES (PT), Francesca FRANCO (IT), Darko FRITZ (HR), Manuelle FREIRE CA), Rania GAAFAR (DE), Dmitry GALKIN (RU), Sara GARZON (US), David GAUTHIER (NL), Diego GóMEZ-VENEGAS (CL), Jennifer GRADECKI (US), Joanna GRIFFIN (IN), Vendela GRUNDELL (SE), Katharina GSÖLLPINTNER (AT), Kevin HAMILTON (US), Bilge HASDEMIR (TR), Jens HAUSER (DK), Falk HEINRICH (DK), Ingrid HOELZL (HK), Janina HOTH (AT), Leonardo IMPETT (CH), Ozgun Eylul ISCEN (TR), Stephen JONES (AU), Jonas JØRGENSEN (DK), David KADISH (DK), Raivo KELOMEES (EE), Harald KRAEMER (HK), Katja KWASTEK (NL), Nathalia LAVIGNE (BR), Jungmin LEE (US), George LEGRADY (US), Biljana LEKOVIć (RS), Laura LEUZZI (UK), Michelle LEWIS-KING (UK), Zizi LI (US), Patrick LICHTY (AE), Jose-Carlos MARIATEGUI (PE), Claire MC ANDREW (UK), Andre MINTZ (BR), José Ramón Alcalá MELLADO (ES), Caroline MENEZES (UK), Romi MIKULINSKY (IL), Maria MIRE (PT), Goki MIYAKITA (JP), Jo Ana MORFIN (MX), Anna NACHER (PL), Martín NADAL (AT), Frieder NAKE (DE), Mark NUNES (US), Margrét Elísabet ÓLAFSDóTTIR (IS), Robin OPPENHEIMER (US), Maciej OZOG (PL), Susanne ØSTBY SæTHER (NO), Randall PACKER (SG), Filipe PAIS (FR), Chiara PASSA (IT), Ana PERAICA (HR), Treva PULLEN (), Richard RINEHART (US), Viola RÜHSE (AT), Chris SALTER (CA), Ashley SCARLETT (CA), Devon SCHILLER (AT), Alberto SEMELER (BR), Gabriela Aceves SEPúLVEDA (CA), Paul SERMAN (UK), Rasa SMITE (LT), Nina SOSNA (RU), Julian STADON (UK), Iván TERCEROS (EC), Aneta TRAJKOSKI (AU), Polona TRATNIK (SI), Reynaldo THOMPSON (MX), Tomohiro UESHIBA (JP), Yael Eylat VAN ESSEN (IL), Erandy VERGARA-VARGAS (CA), Yvonne VOLKART (CH), Carmen Gil VROLIJK (CO), Jacob WAMBERG (DK), Florian WIENCEK (AT), Kirk WOOLFOORD (UK), Soojung YI (KR), Martin ZEILINGER (DE), Joel ZIKA (AU)

Danube University / Located 70km from Vienna in the UNESCO World Heritage Wachau region, Danube University is the only public university in Europe specializing in advanced continuing education by offering low-residency degree programs for working professionals and life-long learners. Located at both a modern university campus and in the Göttweig Monastery, the Dept. for Image Science is an internationally unique institution for research and innovative teaching with an international faculty, at this point 120 scholars from various nations and disciplines. The innovative approach of the Department for Image Science with the close connection to practice has developed the Archive of Digital Art and in 2006 founded the low-residency MediaArtHistories-Advanced, MA answering the need for international, post-graduate studies.
Vienna / The vibrant capital of the Republic of Austria in Central Europe meeting international travel standards with safe and exciting surroundings that embrace culture both old and new. Planning for Vienna is being organized with partner institutions and colleagues. Fast and frequent public transportation between Vienna and Krems allows for a blending of two locations into one venue, distributing separate days in each venue.